What do we do

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About us


US Sigma Solutions Inc. provides lightweight concrete solutions for the whole East Coast market. As a woman-owned company, run by Joanna Kolasinska-Bera, Andrzej Frejek, and Bernard Joly Jr., we understand constantly developing industry needs, either for its economic demands or innovational ideas.


Bernie Joly has over 43 years of professional experience and is one of the pioneers who manufactured Lightweight Concrete for the construction industry. Through the years we have built a wealth of experience in producing Lightweight Concrete mix designs to suit all applications. Many of our innovative solutions set the standard for the whole Lightweight industry and are implemented by other contractors or manufacturers such as Aerix Industries™. We have a proven track record of providing excellent service with consistent results to match our client’s requirements.

+1 570 281 6850


+1 786 424 2194
